
Having peace within

Peace and Love...

A great combination of feelings to have in our lives.

The feelings of peace: The feeling of not worrying about what tomorrow brings. The feeling of not being angry or holding a grudge. The feeling of being okay of what unfolds today. The acceptance of existence.

The feelings of love: The feeling of receiving love. The feeling of giving love. The feeling of giving what you can and accepting what you have.

Counting blessings each day brings more happiness into everone's lives. Where there's happiness, there is peace, there is love.

Appreciate your existence.
Appreciate what you have.
Appreciate your friends, your family.
Appreciate what you receive and can give.

I personally struggled for years about having peace. I knew that it existed. I knew it was possible. I have had many challenges in the past that kept me from having peace all the time. I was mistreated by my friends, my relatives, and my past loves.

Peace and love is a working progress to have in our lives. You must always work on maintaining the feelings you have - everyday. Changing your feelings, your thoughts when things go bad. I am constantly learning and finding ways to incorporate that in my daily life.

I believe that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. When you anger or have resentment towards another person, send your "higher self" and call upon the other person's "higher self" to join you in peace and love on another plane. Send loving thoughts to the person your angry with.

What I learned is that thought is energy. Forgiveness also plays an important role to having peace and love. Without forgiveness, you can never have peace.

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