
Angels Among Us

During each of our journeys, there are those inevitable moments when someone comes into our life at precisely the right time and says or does precisely the right thing. Their words or actions may help us perceive ourselves more clearly, remind us that everything will turn out for the best, help us cope, or see us through difficult situations. These people are human angels – individuals designated by the universe to be of service to those in need at specific points in time. Some human angels make a commitment before their births to make a positive contribution to the world at a particular moment. Others were chosen by the universe. All human angels, however, come into our lives when we least expect them and when we can most benefit from their presence.

A few of the human angels we may encounter are in professions where helping others is an everyday occurrence. But most of them are regular people, going about their daily lives until called upon to be in the right place at the right time to bring peace, joy, help, or heal someone when they most need it. You may have met a human angel in the form of a teacher who gave you a piece of advice that touched your soul and influenced your path. The person that momentarily stopped you to say hello on the street, delaying you long enough to avoid an oncoming car or a collision, is also a human angel. They may offer nothing more than a kind word or a smile, but they will offer it when you can draw the most strength and support from their simple action.

You may be a human angel yet not know it. Your fate or intuition may guide you toward other people’s challenging or distressing situations, leading you to infer that you simply have bad luck. But recognizing yourself as a human angel can help you deal with the pain you see and understand that you are there to help and comfort others during their times of need. Human angels give of their inner light to all who need it, coming into our lives and often changing us forever. Their task has its challenges, but it is they that have the power to teach, bring us joy, and comfort us in times of despair.



Why do people have trouble with prosperity?

Many of you automatically think of prosperity as something primarily financial. However, this is simply not so. Prosperity encompasses much more than money.

In fact prosperity is synonymous with self-esteem. Prosperity is manifesting what you feel you are worth.

It is success by your standards: it could mean lying in the sun for an hour a day without having to feel you should be somewhere else; knowing that you can lie there and congratulate yourself on having your life so well handled that lying in the sun is a celebration.

Prosperity or havingness (the ability to have) is a pervasive thing. You limit your success according what you think you are worth. This occurs unconsciously and it so happens that you have that level of success or richness of relationships that matches your self-esteem.

Imagine a family with low self-esteem winning a million dollars in a lottery. Within twelve months it is all gone and they are back to the old lifestyle. They couldn't have that level of success because their self-esteem was not high enough. Their energy level could not contain the huge increase. Limits to prosperity are imposed by the false personality and come from fear.

There are real and specific fears of what may happen to you if you have high, high havingness.
For instance, people kill other people for their possessions. If you don't have much you won't get killed. One can look at the specific fears in your conscious mind and dispose of them. The converse of this is that if you love yourself then all things are possible. So, prosperity is about feeling worthy enough to have life be the way you want it.

On this account prosperity fills lack; lack of time, lack of things, lack of relationships, lack of love, lack of creativity, and so on. Prosperity is then about having an abundance of anything you wish you had more of, including more spiritual insight.

Prosperity and Higher Centers

Spiritual prosperity, as with spiritual power, has to do with being in higher centers, gaining that distanced perspective on yourself and your life to see how it all fits together. It is about feeling a sense of oneness with other people. Not surprisingly, prosperity is a matter of how you handle the three components of the higher centers and of the universe -- truth, love, and energy.


The focus of higher intellectual center is truth. Prosperity is a matter of having truth in your life. You can tell the truth to your friends and family and they can tell the truth to you. This is the prosperity that truth bestows. When you have told the truth and have heard the truth you can then act on it. You can then decide what relationships you want in your life. When you tell yourself the truth about your job, you can decide to change it or to keep it. Having done this weeding out you are automatically a more powerful person. You are not spending time with people you don't want to, so you have more time and more energy. In short you have higher havingness. Having seen where you fit in, you can then see the whole, and open yourself up as a spirit without boundaries to your guides, channeling, and connectedness, and away from pain, fear, and suffering. From this space you can make powerful choices.


Remember that higher emotional center manifests unconditional love. Prosperity is dependent on having more love in your life. It is about feeling that you deserve it and loving yourself enough to let yourself have it. Fear blocks higher havingness levels and the remedy is learning how to love yourself. Love yourself and all things are possible.


Prosperity is about having the energy to manifest what you want. The energetic quality of the higher moving center makes the integration of truth and love possible. When truth and love work together in your life, you can become as prosperous as you wish. Remember the example of the family with low self esteem who could not take advantage of their good fortune. The energy of higher moving center raises your capacity to have, do, and be more.

Becoming More Prosperous

In order to become more prosperous in an integrated way, balance is required. There must be inspiration, expression, action, and assimilation. Inspiration needs action. Action needs expression. Expression requires assimilation first, and so on. All are interrelated. Each axis must come into play. When satisfying prosperity is blocked, usually one of these four axes have not come into play. Imagine that you are inspired by a vision of what you want your life to be like. You assimilate the vision and express it to other people. However without a plan of action it is unlikely that your vision will manifest to any degree. Likewise if you go into action without an inspirational vision you will probably only manifest chaos.

What To Do

The following is a pragmatic step-by-step approach to having, doing, and being more in your life.
Work out exactly what you want and write it down as a series of goals. Create positive affirmations about these, stating them in present terms, as "I am now enjoying wonderful health and good relationships." This will instantly bring up the negative beliefs that have held you back in this area. Those beliefs can then be listed, acknowledged, and let go of. New positive affirmations can take the place of each one.

Regularly visualize mentally being the way you want to, having what you want, doing what you want. Persist in doing this despite current circumstances and absence of immediate results. It takes time for thoughts to manifest on the physical plane. Make a plan of how to meet the goals. Check off each step as accomplished.

Limitations to Prosperity

Know what your comfort zone is. Pushing beyond your comfort zone and having more can be quite uncomfortable, believe it or not. Do you truly want another forty thousand a year? Do you truly want a committed love relationship? Are you prepared to handle whatever discomfort comes with it? Ask yourself first? "Can I have it?"

Look at what you have to give up to get above the comfort zone limits of your ego. List the items. Look at how other people rely on you to not increase your havingness. If you do it, they will have to look at theirs because they are often competitive. This may make them angry with you. You need to give up the belief that you can't have it.

Note that your ego simply wants to be right.

There are two attitudes to money:

Spend now and trust - make the space for it. (positive)

Expense control - governed by the fear of running out (negative)

Note that these work in a kind of dynamic tension with one another. One does not work without the other. Look at the structure of the universe. Does anything run out? No, it doesn't. The law of the universe is that it will replace whatever you spend. What you sow you shall reap.

Look at your experience. You can run low on things and stay there, but you never actually run out. You never actually starve to death unless you have specifically chosen an environment to promote this experience. You can trust in this process. One of the governing principles of this teaching is neutrality, that is, not hanging on to things. There may be pleasures, sadness, money, or whatever. The aim is to experience them as they occur. Let them in and let them out. Often people dealing in huge sums of money work no harder than those in menial jobs. The energy input is the same. The difference is in the mental tapes they play. Their beliefs about money are different. One believes you have to work hard for a little of it. The other believes you can have lots of it for relatively little effort. They make it fun. They don't seek to hold on to money. They are philosophical about it. They work hard at working out what they want, and persist until they get there.

Authors Details: José Stevens


Family Ties

Family relationships may at times have you reacting emotionally, leaving you feeling moody and uncomfortable.

Since families are so close to us and so central to our lives and our sense of identity, it makes sense that we would be more emotional around them than others.

There are times that we may mistreat our family members because we feel that they are safe havens who won’t abandon us, no matter how badly we behave. But the truth is that because they are so precious to us, we should treat them with greater care and thoughtfulness.

When a family member does abandon us, it has a greater impact than the loss of a friend or acquaintance, because the connections are so profound and multifaceted. Rather than taking your mood out on your family today, you can choose to breathe deeply and appreciate them for their unique lessons and presence in your life. Nobody’s family is perfect, but our families are our best chance for connection.

When the rest of the world isn’t there for us, our families are more likely to support us. Sometimes we find ourselves building our own families, either by marrying and having children or by gathering friends around us to create a family.

Family relationships can be intricate and deeply affecting, but because of this they deepen and enrich our experience of life. Remember to be grateful for our families, both biological and chosen, for all they bring into our lives.


Living Today

"As you listen to the thought, you feel a conscious presence - your deeper self - behind or underneath the thought, as it were. This is the beginning of the end of involuntary and compulsive thinking." - Eckhart Tolle

I've been doing great progress in healing myself and learning to forgive myself and others. It's a working progress and I'm doing my best to live my life in the present moment.

I still look back at my past, not to dwell on the bad times, but to learn from my mistakes. I also look back at the times when I'm happy. I cherish the moments and whenever I look back, I smile.

For years, I've had an awakening of my spiritual existence. I didn't know what was happening. It kind of scared me a little because I was confused. When I'd have these awakening, I would stop what I'm doing and look at my fingers. I stop and think about where I'm at that moment and what my purpose of living is. I would ask my friends if they ever experienced what I described, and none of them seemed to understand me.

My awakening seemed very random. It probably started about 10 years ago. For awhile, it used to be about twice a year. Then as the years pass, it became more frequent. The awakening was very automatic for me. I knew when it happened, but could not understand what it meant.

I finally know now, that what I was experiencing for many years was the power of NOW. I have read/listened to the audio book "The Power of Now" By Eckhart Tolle - and it now makes sense to me. I often wondered if others were feeling the same way as I did. Not one friend understood what I was going through. The only one that understood me was my husband. It's no wonder that we were put together in this lifetime.

For anyone who have not read this book yet, I highly recommend you pick up a copy. It has helped me understand what I've been going through all through the years. It also reminds me of living in the present moment.

I'm learning that there is no need to go back to the past to dwell. The past does not serve a purpose unless you learn from them.

"When you surrender and let go of the past, you allow yourself to be fully alive in the moment. Letting go of the past means that you can enjoy the dream that is happening right now."
- DON Miguel Ruiz


Through Forgiveness

"Through forgiveness, which essentially means recognizing the insubstantiality of the past and allowing the present moment to be as it is, the miracle of transformation happens not only within but also without."
- Eckhart Tolle

I've been hearing the word "forgiveness" lately. It seems like it's been a theme these past two weeks for me. I've been working on my own self and giving myself permission to forgive myself for doing the things I did. I forgive myself for doubting myself. I forgive myself for thinking negative thoughts about myself. I forgive myself for having to take on things I could not handle.

I believe that it starts within to forgive, then you can begin to forgive others around. I'm finding out that the sooner you forgive, the easier it is to be in the present moment with yourself and with others.