
The Wise Mind / The Higher Self

Stop and listen to what your wise mind is telling you. The wise mind is your higher self.

In my hypnotherapy class yesterday, I learned the five levels of consciousness:

The Superconscious State:
Higher Self, Light, Love, Wisdom, Peace, Compassion, Forgiveness, Healing

The Conscious Mind:
Thoughts, Everyday Actions, Logic, Judgement

The Subconscious Mind:
Vast Database or Storage House of All Life Expereinces, Traumas, Fears, Events, Obstacles, Subpersonalities, Emotions

The Unconscious Mind:
Stored Karma, Saskaras, "Impressions" from all Incarnations

The Energy System:
The Aura, The Energy Filed, Meridians, Electromagnetic, Energies, The Cosmic Force Field

Your wise mind/higher self is located in the superconscious state. There you will find no judgement of yourself. No worries. No fears. No obstacles. In your wise mind/your higher self, there is love and compassion. There is forgiveness of oneself and others.

The way to be in the supersconsious state is to meditate and listen. Another way of doing so, is by writing in a very relaxed state. Without judgement or editing, write what you feel. Write what you hear. Don't stop and think about what you are writing. Just go with the flow.

Try it!

What would your wise mind/higher self tell you today?

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